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December 23, 2016


A hand grenade was used to crack walnuts for 25 years by a villager in China who had no idea what he was using until he saw a photo of a grenade on a leaflet handed out by local police.

(Thanks to Ross Couples)


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Mr. Grenade defeated the mouse king in Mao's version of " The Nutcracker ".

It could have been this guy's final performance of "The Nutcracker".

How to "unfriend" someone in China, especially in areas that may not have access to social media.

As someone here said (Jeff M?) it could have been worse. They could hen him a squirrel.

Was it a white phosphorus grenade? Everyone knows that white phosphorus grenades should only be use for oven cleaning.

This guy was using a hand grenade to crack walnuts. It must be really hard to find a good rock in China.

ChrisinVA -- oddly enough, you're right. Some of the most densely occupied parts of China are on river delta silt or wind-deposited loess. No rocks.

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