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December 26, 2016


Mayor hires strippers to perform for pensioners' Christmas dinner

Advisory: Stripper, surprised seniors

(Thanks to Emily, Leslie and w)

Christmas service accidentally prints words to Tupac's ‘Hail Mary’ instead of carol

Stunned cops find cannabis plant disguised as CHRISTMAS TREE covered in tinsel, fairy lights and topped with Angel

(Thanks to Ross Couples and Debbie in Den Haag)


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The wormth of the holidays knows no limits.-Rod Serling or Ray Bradbury, I forget which one.

"Harold, this is disgusting. Put down that entrée and lets go."

"Are you high or something Christine? I didn't leave Woodstock with much this much love and peace in the air."

Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.

She was singing too, so she wasn't JUST a stripper. I mean, let's be fair here.

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

(*makes note to file retirement papers first thing tomorrow*)

That's one retirement home that is going to have a long wait list.

It's these kind of things that got Jose Jiminez in trouble with late night TV.

If you ever have a chance to announce that a rapper has been killed as a news story immediately before a live Sunday church service -- don't.

that HAT was inappropriate...

Just because there's snow on the roof doesn't mean there still isn't a fire in the furnace, iykwim. A lot of the women look pretty unhappy though.

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