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December 25, 2016


Merry Christmas to everybody from Coral Gables, where Santa travels via fire truck.



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Wow. He's getting big.

Merry Christmas to all! May you find everything you wanted under the tree except one thing -- so you still have something to wish for.

Dylan and Rob are lookin' sharp!

Merry Christmas everyone!!! Beautiful picture. I hope everyone gets what they wanted from Santa.

What kid doesn't want a firetruck for Christmas?

Dylan looks extremely pleased, as does his dad.

The fire truck may be because Florida has tough laws on the importation of reindeer.

Happy Xmas, to one and all, as John Lennon said. Let's hope it's a good one, and enjoy good cheer!

Merry Christmas to all the Barrys, and to everyone here on the Blog!

(Dylan gets cuter by the minute. Rob is rightfully looking every inch the proud papa.)

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones Dave. Ditto to everyone on the Blog.

Happy Christmas to all, and to all a -- Good NIGHT !

Merry Christmas to everyone!
That's a wonderful picture but I still can't believe that Rob is all grown up.

Nusecindy, he's Dave's son: He will never be "all grown up."

"... so up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
with a fire truck full of toys, and St. Nicholas too..."

The fire truck's cool, but the Barry boys are lookin' hot!!

Merry Christmas to Dave, Judi and family, and to all on the blog!

1. Shouldn't the title be HO HO HOSE ?

2. Is that the Oscar Fire Cleanermobile?

Good to see the two gentlemen in short sleeves. They appear to know the photographer.

Merry Christmas to all ya'll who make me smile so often. Health and Happiness to you in the New Year.

Merry Christmas the day after.

Belated greetings to all! Here's to another year of laughter and lunacy.

Seasons Greetings

“Over two millennia ago, a new hope was born into the world, a Savior who would offer the promise of salvation to all mankind. Just as the three wise men did on that night, this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King."

Of course I'm speaking of Trump.

I'm ashamed to admit this but, I ate a piece of mince pie and a candy cane for breakfast this morning.

Our local Volunteer fire department would decorate a pumper truck and drive thru the neighborhoods with a live Santa. They would sound the siren (short blast) to let the children know that Santa was there to 'meet & great' them.
This year some neighbors called to complain that the firemen were disturbing them. So the fire dept. canceled the drive arounds.
MERRY &^*%* Christmas TO ALL THE GRINCH'S.

Of course a very merry Christmas 'n a happy new year to the bloggers.

Mr. Tomato, please take your politics to a blog that wants them? We're trying to be politically neutral here. If you want to post your garbage, try fox.com.

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