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December 26, 2016


Kissenger Robotic kisser lets you make out from afar

(Thanks to Rick Day)


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I bet the Henry Kissinger model is already on back order.

I suspect that creative types will press other body parts onto the silicon pad.

This will, no doubt, inspire many lawsuits and country songs, including a reworking of a famous song into
"Your Cheatin' Lips"....

Isn't technology wonderful, I remember when all we had was a Farah swimsuit poster to 'express' our passion.

All I can think of is Henry Kissinger and the old song, "I Wonder Who's Kissinger Now".

*Waits at the geezer bus stop*

A must for people who miss their dogs.

Dare I ask where the recipient is supposed to place his/her smartphone to receive the message?

If you used that app on a Samsung Note 7 it could give you an experience that would blow you away.

Saw it years ago on Big Bang Theory.

Geez, just missed making it into the Gift Guide!

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