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December 23, 2016


Someone in Alberta rode a Zamboni to a Tim Hortons drive-thru

(Thanks to Dave N., Ralph and PirateBoy)

The Beer Store has appointed Charles Dougall as Ontario’s first beer ombudsman.

(Thanks to The Perts)


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Relative of the Jersey guy with the earth-mover DWI?

1. Does Tim Horton's sell poutine? Why? No reason. Just asking.

2. Important job. It was either that or Ambassador to the US.

Back in the 80s I was forced to go to many a Hartford Whaler's game and my favorite part of the whole experience was always the Zamboni. I still remember it fondly.

Don't worry. Since he went to a Tim Hortons, the police will let him skate on the charges

However, he is on thin ice with the owner of the Zamboni. This could be his last scrape with the law.

The Zamboni company is apparently working to develop a fully functional male sex robot. It will be called the "Zamboneme."

It was Canada right? I would have been surprised if someone didn't drive a Zamboni to the Tim Hortons. Dog bites man.

Nope, no Timmy's I've ever been in sold poutine. I once (really) heard two university students debating whether the potatoes plus beef gravy plus tomato catsup constituted a balanced meal. I don't think they were joking...

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