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November 29, 2016


Woman opens emergency exit and jumps OUT of taxiing United flight on to the tarmac after landing at Houston airport

(Thanks to Geoff Scott)


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Sure beats waiting for everyone to walk backward 4 rows to get their plethora of bags from the overhead bins.

Perhaps she was worried that the toilet was blocked with something solid.

Or she was just nuts and decided to try "runway jumping".

Fly those friendly skies often?

Fly untied.

Run, runner!

Sandmen terminate runners.

You're now free to move about the country.

At least someone paid attention to that part of the pre-flight instructions.

IT would have been even WEIRDER had she jumped IN.

Is this any stranger than when they announce "In the unexpected event of a water landing..."?

I've seen very few planes actually land on the water. Most of them *crash* into the water!

And, as George Carlin used to say: "When two planes come really close to each other, it's not a 'near miss', it's a 'near hit!'. A 'near miss' would be when one plane collides with the other. Will you look at that? Those two planes nearly missed one another!"

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