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November 28, 2016


Aussiest interview ever

(Thanks to AmoebaStampede)


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He has more hair than the lady reporter. I haven't seen a mullet like that in years.

Loyalty, bravery and body art: good man.

Unless, of course, it was he who drove into his mate's, mum's shop, in his jocks.

As Bill Clinton's lawyer once said, "mate" could be a term of endearment or a proposition.

Depends on how much alcohol is involved....

That's a lot of mating for one interview...

He sounds just like my neighbor describing to me the situation when he arrived at his building next door and found his air conditioner had been stolen, m8.

Let the U.N. interpreters have a run at that.

The look on the anchorman's face when they cut to the studio has already given me a very merry Christmas.

You're my hero mate.

This guy makes me proud to be half Australian.

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