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November 30, 2016


Tourist demands cop photograph her butt after slap at clothing-optional bar

The bar -- the Garden of Eden -- is featured in the Key West chapter of Best. State. Ever. Which by the way is for sale.


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The bar is for sale?

I'm reminded of a Sherman's Lagoon cartoon where he's bragging about his belly: "This is the sweet spot -- one good slap and it jiggles for weeks."

No pictures?

Was alcohol involved, by any chance?

So many "enticing attractions" in Florida, one hardly knows where to begin, unless you use Dave's handbook.

[And I believe there will be at least a second volume.]

And the Garden of Eden is in Florida? Only Dave's readers and a handful of patrons knew...

Is the author of Best.State.Ever. anyone we might have heard of?

Autographed butts are worth more.

Dave: "It's for research, honey, honest!"

Mrs. Blog: "You were at that clothing-optional bar for SEVEN HOURS!"

Dave: "It's tax-deductible!"

Dave wrote a book?

"When told by police there would be no arrest of any bar staff, Bean reportedly asked, “Is this a police state?”

Well, apparently not.

I believe all the names in that story are aliases.

Her "glutus maximus" shot is her claim to fame. And I'm advising her to sue.

Some people pay extra for slaps on the butt. Or so I've heard.

Now playing: In a Gadda da Vida by Iron Butterfly.

Or there is the Simpsons version, too.

Which is for sale? The state or the bar?

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