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October 20, 2016


Mysterious Bananaman shuts down Victorian city council meeting

(Thanks to Ralph)


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I saw him open for The Wailers.

He'll get arrested, go to trial, lose, then win on apeel

He just was demanding that the comptroller tally me banana

He pales in comparison to the original.

ubetcha - Great memory, I remember when Captain Kangaroo was first announced. I couldn't believe it! A kangaroo on TV! OK, so it was just an old guy in a train conductors' uniform with big (kangaroo) pockets. I still watched every episode.

Waiting for the Geezer Bus.

Plot spoiler on the next Avengers movie.

There is nothing so mysterious as a bananaman.

Hard to stop saying -- Banananananamanaamanaman

ImNotDave - and a talking grandfather clock.

Did you also watch Soupy Sales? I'll have whatever it was they were having.

They should be lucky a bunch of them didn't show up..

uBethcha and IMD: I too loved Captain K, but Mr. Green Jeans always creeped me out.

Remember the model train commercial they showed that used to pour *actual milk* into the cereal bowl filled with Kellogs Corn Flakes? I wanted to play with that train so much!

ubetcha - I thought Soupy was kind of creepy. I did watch The Howdy doody Show, which I don't think would ever be shown for kids today.

PirateBoy - I gotta agree with you about Mr. Green Jeans. Just a little over the top.

My God! What is that thing on his lap? It looks like...
oh my god!

Ladies, He is available....

Oh, Ray Comfort, what are we gonna do with you? [jaunty *BOINNNG* sound effect]

The cops can stop looking for him. He's split.

ImNotDave---I may have been five or six when some evil relative gave me a fearsome Howdy Doody pop up clown box for my birthday. This began my life-long fear of clowns which only grows with age.

Le Petomane- I feel your pain.

Le Pet -- Me too! I HATED that thing and I still hate clowns. I wonder what happened in my past to make me hate mimes even more?

Mimes are just achromatopsic clowns.

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