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October 30, 2016


If you grew up in the New York City area in the Fifties/Sixties, chances are you were a fan of John "Cool Ghoul" Zacherle (sometimes he spelled it Zacherly). He hosted horror-movie shows on TV, and he was funny as hell. As a boy I was a huge fan of his, and in later years I discovered to my delight that he was a fan of mine. We corresponded for years and talked a few times on the phone; he even came to one of my signings. He was just as delightful off-camera as on it. He died Thursday at the age of 98, just before Halloween. Wherever he is now, the spirits are laughing.

(Thanks to Al Barkafski for the heads-up.)


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He's doing the Monster Mash somewhere

How great to know that someone you were a huge fan of became a fan of you.

I had better do something spectacular so that Dave can become my fan. So far my skills only include quoting funny movies and lasagna. In my defense, it's a great lasagna.

Here's praying for John, when Elvira goes...well, here's praying.

He's in that great Channel 9 in the sky.

There was a guy, Bob Carter, in Indianapolis who did a similar thing as "Sammy Terry",saying rude things about the grade C movies he showed. (Inspiration for MST3K?) He too had a long run, and a big following. His son took over the role after his death.

Extremely cool, Dave.

When we were kids our neighbor upstairs did a very elaborate Halloween thing every year - think the Roseanne Halloween shows - complete with a skeleton on a wire that came down the stairs at you. THe guy dressed as Zacherle.

RIP Cool Ghoul

Here's the NY Times obit.

Wow that is something 98.

How great that he had such a long life and was able to spend it doing something he loved. RIP Mr. Zacherle.

He was DJ-ing at a rock station until he was 78!

I was reminded by the post of my early years in Pittsburgh watching "Chilly Billy" Cardille. I looked him up and sad to say he passed in July this year. He did the B grade late night scary movies in that market. He also announced pro "wrestling" and worked as a DJ. One of his claims to fame is that he had a role as the TV reporter in the original "Night of the Living Dead". RIP all.

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