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August 31, 2016


Woman met eight-foot werewolf ‘with human face’ – and extremely bad breath

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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But she looks so 'normal'.

I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand, walking through the streets of Soho in the rain.

"There wolf. There castle."

. . . and his hair was *perfect*

Another success story from the firestick dating site?

The Blogettes want to know if he's single.

I think she had a few too many pina coladas at Trader Vic's.

This sort of thing has been a common problem with blind dates for years. I learned early on that the female werewolves have braided hair under their armpits. But they all seem to have really bad breath, however.

That kinda describes me in the morning. Before shaving and brushing teeth.

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