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August 30, 2016


This local news anchor from India definitely should’ve checked her T-shirt before going on air

(Thanks to Greg Snow and The Amazing Steve)


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Send her to Washington!

Later this morning we won't be answering some of your tweets and we will not use any of your questions on air. I understand we have a 126 year old woman from New Delhi watching this morning and really, I could give a flying....

I was hoping it was wet. Life is full of disappointments.

TV news is so much better in other countries.

ಮುಚ್ಚಿ ಫಕ & blame Kannada

As they said in that India Jones Movie, may "Kali have mercy on your soul, or eat it quickly."

How many blog guys thought they'd get a "boob shot" when they clicked on that link? Men!

The ratings took a bump or two.

It's what we live for Cindy.

She's very spunky, what!

All of us, nc. All of us. :-(

Um, yeah, what nursecindy said.

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