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August 31, 2016


Police arrest man, hold him overnight in the cells, take him to court and prosecute him because he was drunk with a traffic cone on his head

(Thanks to Patty Villanova)


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His solicitor Sarah Brady also criticised West Mercia Police for deciding to prosecute instead of just keeping him in the cells for a night like ‘in the old days.’

Otis Campbell (from the Andy Griffith Show) would heartily agree.

When I was this guy's age, getting beered up, wearing a traffic cone on your head and a rubber chicken hanging around your neck was just a fun Saturday night out. But it was a rather strange little town.

He always wanted to be a Conehead. But the judge shot him down.

Do you get better WiFi that way?

At least nobody hit him with a car. I've seen what happens to traffic cones!


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