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August 27, 2016


Man dunks himself in bathtub filled with hot sauce

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson and Jon Harris)


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He didn't even notice his mixup until he took the first bite of his taco topped with Mr Bubble.

Fire in the hole !

When asked how he liked them, he replied "saucy with cheese." Then they asked him about Tacos, and ....

Any man who has ever sliced jalapeno peppers, then goes to the restroom without washing his hands repeatedly with soap and water before handling what he has to handle, will NEVER make that mistake again.
This guy is a going to become a statisic soon if he doesn't activate some more brain cells.

He may not be a Darwin Award finalist this year, but he surely is in the running for Dum$hit of 2016.

What's missing here is any mention of "WHY?"

Well, this has satisfied a curiosity I have held since .... um, never.

Needs Doritos.

* Le Petomane,
Sorry to say it, but; been there,done that.

Now I know what to do with all those old Taco Bell sauce packets I've been accumulating.

Goodbye, Mr. Chips. This is nacho day!

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