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August 31, 2016


A new study finds that college students taught by good-looking lecturers did better on a quiz

(Thanks to John Mayson)


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don't you ever ask them why
if they told you, you would cry,
so just look at them and sigh

Link kept asking me to sign in. I believe this is the same story, here. I will say by the time I got to college, my best work was driven by a physical attraction to a bomb speed reading teacher who could curl her toes in her high heels and cause my comprehension go wildly off the charts.

"Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad..."

Readin', Writin', and WhoHoo!

So whadda I have to do to get an "A"?

When I was in college, I really wanted to be taught how to tango by an experiended pole dancer. I planned to be a slow learner...sigh. Like many of life's dreams, it remained unfullfilled.

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