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August 31, 2016


Florida man dressed as dinosaur arrested with airsoft rifle

(Thanks to John Mayson)


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I love that this moron didn't get the memo that the flash mob was canceled.

WTF is "suspicion of disorderly conduct?" Does that mean "We don't know if what you're doing is illegal but we're going to arrest you anyway?"

Is there a law in Florida against "suspicion of illegal police action?"


"Suspicion of disorderly conduct"? Isn't "disturbing the peace" the usual catch-all for that sort of thing?

I think the powers that be are just making up laws as they go along. I will admit that this is behavior of someone about eight years of age. What was the offense he committed? It seems likely that he should be committed, but I digress. I might have kept him under observation for a while. I would have at least come up with a better reason for arrest than the one that they did. Suspicion of disorderly conduct? What made them suspect he had been or would be disorderly, and when did that suspicion become a crime?

After arresting the man dressed as a dinosaur, the airsoft rifle took the rest of the day off.

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