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July 22, 2016


Turns out, a small frog had been hiding in the calabrese.

(Thanks to Ralph)


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"So I just picked some courgettes, mange tout and calabrese from the allotment..."


Shouldn't that be "froug"?

Wow, here's a first, I actually learned something indirectly from reading the blog "courgettes, mange tout and calabrese" are obviously vegetables (which I guessed) but thanks to Wikipedia I found that courgettes are zucchini, mange tout are snow peas and calabrese is a type of broccoli grown in the UK. Sounds like G.B. Shaw was right...again.

I thought a courgette was some unholy cross between a Corvair and a Corvette.

Is an "allottment" a grocery store or a farmers market or just a welfare office? I knew what a courgette was from the cooking shows. The rest was definitely not English. Froggy went a courting the courgette.

Isn't a courgette a female Courgi pup?

Hey Mambo, mambo Italiano, hey mambo.."

A trout infected with mange, a free frog, along lots of wine. Who could ask for more?

If this had happened in the U.S., Madison Avenue would have been all over it, such as touting "Now with added protein" and "Really organic!!! Honest!!!"....

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