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May 26, 2016


Hi Dave

Here’s an article you might like to publish:

Title: 3 Reasons Men Should Collect Model Cars


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Reason #1: You're single.

Reason #2: You're single and can't get a date.

Reason #3: You're single, can't get a date, and read the Miami Herald every day.

You can make really cock vroooooooooom! sounds when you bring them out.

I collected model cars, right up until puberty, then I only wanted to collect female models.

Okay, I've e-mailed several items to the Blog that weren't deemed worthy of posting, but this wasn't one of them.

Potential Subtitles:

Embrace Rejection

Never Far From Mom

Adults Don't Always Deserve Fun

From my newspaper days I learned two ways to get your submission read:
(1) The best, is to enclose cash.
(2) Open with, " I know where you live".

Three Reasons Men Should Collect model Cars would go directly to the round file. If they persist, answer with, " I know where you live."

Reason # 4: You're the sanest person living in Florida.

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