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April 24, 2016


Family's kitchen destroyed by exploding DISHWASHER minutes before daughter's seventh birthday party

(Thanks to Le Petomane)


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Another reason to not buy one at all and just let the dog lick the dishes clean.

Exploding Dishwasher used to tour with Dishwalla.

I blame the squirrels

I'm at a loss to understand how a dishwasher could explode, but I suppose if yoga pants can become fashionable and an orange person can run for President, anything can happen.

Here in New Mexico we have some chili hot enough to melt the wax out of your ears, but it would be a stretch to believe it's powerful enough to explode a dishwasher.

clankie - sadly here on LI i've seen more than a few fake-tan-Orange-people *EXPLODING* out of their Way-too-tight-yoga-pants , so yeah, it could happen

I know someone who recently 'installed' a brand-new dishwasher they call the "DishLicker 2000", aka an enthusiastic Border Collie.

But I bet their hand grenades, or the fragments thereof, are squeaky clean.

The machine pictured is a washer or dryer, not a dishwasher. I've never seen a dishwasher with a round door -- why would anyone design one like that?

I'll bet the clown didn't want to go on, so he filled it with balloon animals. Bastard.

Snork @ FredKey!

The family had had the dishwasher for five years? That's pretty good (except for the explosion part). Our most recent machine, from a store that rhymes with beers, lasted just three.

PB~ Let's just say the first time around I did not read "'Dish'licker".

Same here Ms. F!

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