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April 21, 2016


Snakes fall from elementary school ceiling

This has been the Tennessee Education Report.

(Thanks to Vol)


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Sounds like a Bible school project gone awry.

This has prompted many Southern state governors to approach the state legislature, asking for more funds for educating snakes. They don't want Tennessee to have the best educated snakes.

Reboot of "The Mississippi Squirrel Revival."

"I am tired of these m*****f***** snakes in this m*****f****** school!"

Things are not looking up.

In the olden times there were plagues of locusts and maybe a river or two turning into blood to put up with. But snakes....why does it always have to be snakes.

Snakes on a brain ?

" One snake even fell from the ceiling, right next to a teacher's desk."

See teacher. See teacher run. Run, teacher, run.

Zoology and PE all at the same time. Snakes!!! Run!!!!

Paging Samuel L. Jackson

If there's a rat snake in the ceiling, I'd worry more about rats.

When I was teaching sixth grade in the 70's, this would have made my day -- talk about a "teachable moment!"

And Mississippi has
much bigger educational problems than snakes.

Meanwhile, in Florida....

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