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April 22, 2016


Man drives SUV with wife strapped to roof

Guess the state.

(Thanks to Todd Lawson)



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Incredibly, alcohol was involved. And I don't know why I'm still amazed at the stupidity of people who continue to use variations of the excuse, "That's not mine and I have know idea how it/she/he got there. I was just holding onto it for a friend."

I would never have guessed that it's illegal to drive with a passenger on the exterior of the vehicle. I guess the bed of a pickup truck doesn't count, though your local laws and mileage may vary.

It is dear season, isn't it?

@MOTW: How about "I was just doing a wind tunnel experiment for a friend"?

Maybe you were away, Dave, because I know I sent it at the time.

Fire Judi.

Man she must have been a real dog!

In some states this is how a man shows off his trophy wife.

"Indian Style"? What the heck does that mean?

Could have at least provided the rocking chair.

And the problem with this??...

If they can afford an SUV, they can't be that strapped.

No one was harmed during this re-enactment

"But honey, the dog LOVED it!"
"Shut up and drive, Mitt."

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