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April 13, 2016


RSPCA inspector sent to investigate animal cruelty discovers ‘frog orgy’

(Thanks to Ralph)


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I saw Frog Orgy open for Siouxie and the Banshees.

Some people call this foreplay.

Kermie, how could you???

Now we know why Michigan J. Frog always refused to perform outside of his box.

dave, that's RIBBITed - for her pleasure

♫ Everybody do the Michigan Rag... ♫

Geezer reference: This is one place you won't find Froggy!

Speaking of Michigan J, here's a short toon...

Mr. Froggy went a'court'en and he did ride, um-hummm.

Jeremiah was a bull frog .. was a good friend of mine

Where's Marquis ?

I have friends who call that 'noogie-noogie.'



Pluck your magic Twanger! http://www.tvparty.com/lostandy.html

I was just a tadpole when my father croaked...

The French should not be called names.

That guy who called RSPCA really, really, needs to get out more.

"♫ Some day my prince will come ...♪"

Wasn't Frog Orgy a famous composer?

Wait -- that was Mouse Orgy; he wrote Night on Bald Mountain and some other Disney tunes.

There is a "Do you like frog's legs?" joke buried in here somewhere, but I am too tired from my commute to dig it out right now...

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