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April 25, 2016


Man set to make $100,000 a year from personalised banana company

(Thanks to Patty Villanova)


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Isn't that something. Why couldn't I think of such a thing. That is funny

I saw Personalized Bananas open for Cheech & Chong at Bongfest '73.

At least I think I did.

It's an apeeling idea.

His customers are a bunch of idiots.

oranga kinda jealous YOU didn't think of it ?

I sent this story in last week. (Jeff, I feel your pain.)

I understand the orange and melon franchises are going fast.

hey MOTW - maybe patty will split the recognition ;)

Personalized Bananas were...well, eaten by Bananarama at the Rockfest '14. Authorities were concerned that it might have been "too suggestive."

One big slip could cause the business to crash.

My banana wants nothing to do with this.

This is the only place I know where the comments make me laugh so hard that I end up spitting tea all over my computer screen. Thanks guys.

silly patty - i said 'SPLIT' . . .

Makes me want to break out in Prairie Home Companion's old Banana Song:

You can fry 'em you can slice 'em
Either way you oughta try some
They are great with coconut or
chocolate sauce or peanut butter
Oh, bananas have it all
They make berries seem banal
From Montana to Mobile
Have bananas with your meal
They're the answer, what a deal
All your troubles seems to vanish with

(My kids hate it when I sing this song. Mwa ha ha ha.)

on day 4 banana trump gets some sort of smallpox

This guy's got a lotta Chutzpatassium.

He was inspired by an old Apalachian tradition : first play with the banana , then pump kin

Some customers go ape over these.

"How to defend yourself against a man armed with a banana..."

I think George Carlin said it 1st " If you nail two pieces of wood together that have never been nailed together before some Shmuck will buy it ! "

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