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April 23, 2016


Is Liverpool midfielder Joe Allen hidden in this chicken nugget?

(Thanks to Jay Brandes)


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I think it is Concita Wurst - check her/him out on the internet.

Colonel Sanders, maybe? Bernie Sanders?

- or TAFKA Pri KFC ? with a beard ?

Oh, that Concita Wurst ..... You owe me some eyes, Qaz.


She/he won European song contest.

Concita Wurst is wurst than I imagined as a song contest winner.

Whoever he is, go ahead and eat him. He'll taste like chicken.

Another fine example of British reporting. Zzzzz.

It also looks like Cesar, from planet of the Apes. What's wrong with you people?

I didn't recognize the name but the face has been featured here in a couple of the more startling video acts.

I'm getting Ian Anderson.

JIG, Well, I saw Ian Anderson around '73 with Jethro Tull. To give you an idea of the illegal drug use taking place within our group, we referred to 'Tull as Jethro Bodine.

I would love to think this is an image of Ian Anderson in his prime. But McNuggets, unlike powewrful genetic DNA altering hallucinogens, were not available in '73.

None of us ever got this high or ever thought of ourselves as this important.

Kenny Loggins?

Kenny Loggins likeness is a big def. I ruled out Matt Mitrione of the UFC and yeah, Loggins mention gave me introspection into this mystery. Not Mitrione like I was getting.

My own worst enemy manual, 'cause now have 'Thick as a Brick' stuck in my head.

About a year ago my sister sent me an email with Christopher Cross doing Sailing. She sends it every few days now. I know, from my psychological training and long hours of easy listening radio time, the earworm is driving her crazy and causing her to forget she sent the link the day before. I don't think she realizes what she was dealing with. Since she sent the link, which I opened and heard briefly, my sister now sends a link to Mungo Gerry's In the Summertime like every hour it seems asking, "do you remember this song?" Two months now. Mungo Jerry staring me in the face from my email box. I don't have the heart to tell her, "you sent that to me Tuesday, this is Wednesday."

I won't put you through the song, but I think a chicken nugget is appearing between Mungo Jerry's central incisors.

I could send this video to my sister right now.

And she would reply writing, cool I really love this song. Then as god is my witness she would paste a link to this number and ask, "do you remember this song?"

As bad as this is to say, I don't think there is any chicken in those nuggets!

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