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April 21, 2016


'Can you turn the temperature down? What is the prime number? I'm right handed': Man high on drugs rambles naked on lawn after being arrested for eating stranger's mail

(Thanks to Patty Villanova)


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Mail eating should be left to dogs.

What color is pink?

Good question, dude.

This is becoming a common side effect of watching political news on TV.

Had the guy been living in Iraq and called Acid Rescue the dude on the other end of the phone would have asked if he could drive a stick.

The best Five star 'Can you turn the temperature down? What is the prime number? I'm right handed' video you will likely see today. Haha, I said god...I said god...thank you...thank you...thank you...thank you.

When the officers asked him if he'd taken any drugs, he mentioned Pink and Marijuana. Some people think Amanita muscaria, the so-called "sacred mushroom", could be called pink because if it's red and white appearance. It also makes you think you're got and in sufficient quanity can be toxic.

Weirder living through chemistry.

Kenneth, what is the frequency?

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