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April 25, 2016


Adult Onesie Features The Many Faces Of Steve Buscemi

(Thanks to Cassie Silvola)


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Yer associate.

I would buy one of these if it were Robert Conrad.

I would buy one of these if it were Michael J. Pollard.

I would buy one of these if I were facing a loaded gun wielded by a deranged psychopath.

who'd wanna be covered in *Anyone's* faeces ?

faces ?



Been there done the onesie thing and it wasn't pretty.

ha! jan - i'd share a seat on the geezer bus with you, but i'm afraid your back crotch snaps might've dangled in the toilet


His face reminds me of the mad scientist in the old Bugs Bunny cartoons.

Nicolas Cage I could understand, but Buscemi?

Specifically made for the guy who wants to stay single.

no no nursecindy, we be chick magnets now!

you'd be getting 'lucky' every night, if you could just get this onesie off

ligirl. If I'd a dollar ...

@Head_Smashed_In: here's your mad scientist

Buy one , get 2.000 Trump onesies free !!!

Who knew Steve What's-his-name had so many faces?

Not buying it because it doesn't have the shot from Armageddon which showed his double rows of teeth.

They could put politicians pictures on them for Halloween costumes. No, scratch that idea. It would be far too scary for the kids.

Steve who? Am I the only one who's never heard of him?

I need to get out more.

But I've heard of Michael J. Pollard. Not since Bonnie & Clyde though. I thought he was adorable.

What time is the bus leaving again?

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