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February 25, 2016


Tiara-wearing lunatic bites passenger on JFK-bound flight

(Thanks to Jon Harris)


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She had to get home to vote for Trump.

Wonder Woman: The Declining Years.

I also liked the sidebar article, "The 12 types of people who should be banned from flying."

"Stacey Engman, 38, a National Arts Club member, was nearly resting her head in the lap of the other passenger..."

She can sit next to me next flight.

Was her "I've been on a yacht for the last five days" remark meant to be an excuse?

I need to learn how to improve my eye-rolling, as there doesn't seem to be enough possible at present.

"Stacey Engman, 38, a National Arts Club member...

Maybe this was performance art.

I had no idea my sister was traveling right now and she didn't tell me anything about being on a yacht for five days.

I'm surprised TSA lets tiaras get through airport security.

It probably went simply like this:

"Can I put my head in your lap?"
"No!.....Why don't you bite my ass!"

OMG, I had no idea my ex was in Turkey!

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