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February 26, 2016


‘Runaway unicorn' prompts police chase


(Thanks to Jon Harris, Jan in Grimsby, funny man, Bob Brogan, Allen at Division and W. von Papineau)


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Wait, don't tell me, California?

"Hey, stop feeding it loco weed..."

People who live here in Roswell, New Mexico have known since 1947 it's much safer NOT to see some things and tell. Sure, that might have been just a pony dressed up like a unicorn. But what if...?

Did the police conduct their chase riding My Little Ponies?

So somebody sticks an ice cream cone on a little horses head and they call out SWAT? WTF?

Why is that newswothy? I've never seen a stationary unicorn.

"It's OK, Miss, we are specially trained for this kind of event. Now, were there any distinguishing marks?"

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