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January 26, 2016


Bizarre footage shows driver travelling along busy road with 'huge snow penis' on car

(Thanks to Ralph and Emily, Leslie and w)


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OMG. It's funny but it is terrible. I can't believe that someone would take the time to build a penis snow sculpture. Not to mention to drive around with it on their car.


i've heard of a MOON roof . . .

Huge Snow Penis toured with Vanilla Ice.

Do you think he's compensating for something?

Will those LED highway information signs warn "d*ck ahead"? (In Chinese, of course...)

Hey, don't laugh. It's a horn-y van....

Ah, in my youth... in high school a friend bought an 11' van from a local bike shop. It had 220,000 miles on it, and as it was originally property of the post office it had the steering wheel on the right like a British car. It was rusty and dented and had been painted a deep olive green, with the words "the Peddler" on both sides in white or yellow or something. We spent an afternoon taking rust off with a wire brush and slathering on a bucket of bondo. When we were done, we painted it with cans of primer and whatever spray paint we had around to cover the bondo and the bike shop sign. When finished, we got a step ladder and climbed onto the roof - and there painted a large penis in pink. You could only see it from second story (or higher) window. So whenever we were downtown we used to giggle a lot.

I have friends who call this foreplay.

He should have put a TUX on that penis. But maybe the driver is simply a plain dick instead of an undercover dick.

Chinese Wienermobile?

A cold rod.

That's dangerous; if it falls off it could cause an accident. The driver should be prosecuted and sent to a penile institution.

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