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December 26, 2015


We're outta here for a week or so, though we may post sporadically, and we have no control over what judi does. We're going to take some time off, recharge our batteries, and see if we can stop referring to ourselves in the plural. You guys have a happy new year.


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Try not to hit Lucy with a quadcopter..

Happy New Year!

I knew it! Daves to the left of me, Daves to the right of me. The world is awash in Daves!

(Anyone seen my prescriptions?)

Merry 2nd Day of Christmas, all...

Fire Judi before you go or things will get completely out of control in your absence.

Have a great time, Dave.

Hey Meanie, how you? That reminds me, we will be at the Jimmy Buffett/Huey Lewis concert New Years Eve.

I plan to take a nap that day.

Have Joy!

happy last week of twenty fifteen
enjoy travling, dave - please share what you've seen !
it's all about *family* & the memories you make
(we love poking fun at the pictures you take)

to my quippy pithy cohorts - thanks for the laughs
(i thometimeth pith mythelf over other people'th gaffeth)
if i make you giggle you've made my day
stay as funny-as-you are, & stick around to play ;)

Thanks for asking, Jeff. Would rather not answer here, or give out my address. I can say only that I am training to become an operative for the *shots ring out, glass shatters, I dive out an open window seconds before massive explosion and land on a convenient awning, then speed away in a hijacked car. Briefly pull into reverse and deposit sleeping child from the backseat into a stunned and hysterical mother's arms, then peel away again as I swerve around the guy with the silver cane*

[OK it may be time to get rid of cable]

Hope you and Mrs. M. are well.

Has ANYONE seen Judi? I think she's on vacation ...

or busy inspecting those kilts!

judi's gone dark, secretly forming a perimeter around meanie, who's gone rogue.

dave's gone on vacation

Dave's not here, man.

Happy New Year to All!

Popcorn is at the ready, so let's cue up the DVD player for "Men In Kilts II"

Dave, have a great vacation!

Meanie, step away from the remote...

and bloggers: what about live blogging SECOND CHANCE?

Supposedly they hired ex-24 writers....???

I know, they're gonna up my dosage....

..... like to buy an "E", Pat. [click].
..... Side effects may include genocidal tendencies, permanent eye-crossing, recurrent loss of car keys, low kitten tolerance [click]
..... just five dollars a day can save this polar bear's [click]
..... and today's stunning upset by the Lake Wallaby Otters has turned the conference standings into [click]
..... no easier way than this one to get home-style borscht on your table [click]
..... loss of [click]
..... we'll throw in this exclusive home canning kit [click]

Happy Sporadic New Year.

We could cure Judi forever of the kilt thing by sending her a high res photo of DAVE wearing them!!!

Should we fire her just as a precaution?

Someone better post something or I'm gonna go postal. I need some distractions! Quick, someone go to a Chuck E Cheese and eat the last piece of chicken!

We need Jack Bauer more than ever. Or a perimeter.

This is gonna be one tough week.

I suggest that Judy also post pictures of women in kilts.

Let's end blog discrimination! Equal rights for the guys here!

Peace,Joy and Happy New Year Dave.

*shudders at the thought of what Dave will do with recharged batteries*

Happy New Year!

You can recharge batteries with urine. If you stockpile enough of it.

You and your staff have made the year so much more fun! Thanks, and best wishes!

Ralph: I love the Cheech and Chong reference. Now get back on the geezer bus!

That's very creative, Meanie. Happy new year [click].

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