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December 21, 2015


Angry single men stage anti-Christmas rally in Tokyo

(Thanks to Jim Kenaston)


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I feel the same way about sushi and Yoko Ono. Not necessarily in that order.

Why Tokyo has so many maid cafes.

Glad to see the group practices truth in advertising.

War on Christmas, Japanese-style.

Someone alert Fox News.

They all blame "Hello Kitty"....or Gojira....

Well, I think they have a point about the commercialization of Christmas, but then it may be that they're all just notoriously cheap.

Another great idea: "Madea Meets the Angry Japanese gentlemen!"

Could lead to a Fox sitcom....

occupie wall street?

The rally would have gone on longer. but they all had to get back to their mothers' basements before dark.

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