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December 18, 2015


Judge rules New Year's Possum Drop can use live opossum

(Thanks to funny man)


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WE NEED Superior Court Judge James Roberson to rule to reinstate waterboarding so we can get the truth out of Hillary.

In other news, police are looking for whoever stole Elliot, the possum. Police suspect softhearted PETA-lover Elly Mae Clampett.....

I'm not sure if the possum would agree. But they can drop a cat, dead one. They supposedly bounce sometimes.

Maybe they should just drop live turkeys, like everybody else.

"I take care of that 'possum better than I do my wife, and I'm real, real good to her. "

We'll take your word for it. All of it.

Opeta Opossum Opunks, oh, shut up.

"I take care of that 'possum better than I do my wife, and I'm real, real good to her. "

Animal husbandry, redefined. Let's ask his wife then decide if he's credible.

Possoms are squirrels maskarading as mutant mice.

"Nip it in the bud" is good advice.

Cue Muskrat Love.


Still waiting for a judgement on the New Year's live lawyer drop, to be held at the Grand Canyon. All welcome. And feel free to bring your own lawyer!

The live lawyer drop into the Grand Canyon has been cancelled due to an injunction from the EPA and the Havasupai Indian tribe who have a village in the canyon bottom alongside the river. The chance of major pollution is simply too great. I think they have a valid point. Know any active volcanos?

Hey how about we do a Republican Presidential Candidate Debate Drop.
We put a 50lb weight on their ankles
and drop them in the Pacific, I am fairly sure GAHD will save everyone of them...
That is if they have never sinned, or lied, or said shite that got innocent folk hurt.

Just drop a live PETA person.

PETA persons are like potato chips, you can't just drop one.

Professional Enablers (of) Animal Takeover.

In my day, we called it crazy or witches.

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