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December 21, 2015


Port Charlotte man resists arrest, defecates off side of boat

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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Bates was fined an undisclosed amount and given a coupon for $2 off an industrial sized box of sanitary wipes.

As is his Constitution right, surely.

" Mr. Bates disobeyed all lawful orders... "

He gave up his right to remain silent.

.. was seen zipping through a manatee zone without lights at about 8:30pm.

WWBT (What Would Booger Think?)

And the so-called EPA does nothing....

And the so-called UN also does nothing....

So who was the fink Manatee that "ratted" on him?

I once had a college roomy named Jim Bates.

Everyone called him "Master Bates". We were cruel, but then again, he got even by getting drunk and vomiting a lot.

"Mr. Bates disobeyed all lawful orders and defecated over the side of the vessel," three sh!ts to the wind, as it were.

I hope to God his first name wasn't Norman.....

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