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November 25, 2015


Alberta's nipple exposure laws received some tweaking Monday.

(Thanks to Allen at Division)


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Showing once again how Canada is more advanced than we are.

Well, that's a little of the holiday spirit.

How else can you tell how cold it really is?

I have friends who call tweaking foreplay.

Is this an equal rights victory or part of the war on women ? Its hard to follow.....

I would not expose anything today, even if it is legal. It is 10 degrees (F) in Calgary right now.

Tweaking? OUCH!
Roberto, I've always wanted to visit Canada and as soon as the temperatures rise to at least 40 degrees(F) I will. I did get a glimpse of it when I visited Michigan. It looked nice.

@nursecindy - Best time to visit Calgary is the first week of July. There is a big rodeo in the city (biggest in the world) called Calgary Stampede. Everybody dresses like a cowboy, there are lots of parties and temperature is about 80 degrees. Beautiful Banff National Park, with moose, elk, bison and bears is only 50 miles to the west.
And the Flathead County is maybe 300 miles south of here.

Christmas comes early in Alberta. Years ago I slightly bumped a moose walking in the middle of a snowy road outside of Revelstoke. The beast snorted and used his antlers to total my companies new Ford before nonchalantly trotting off. I still remember filling out those insurance forms, but the Mountie who came by was nice enough not to laugh too long. Still love Canada, however. Maybe just hang out in Calgary this time.

Definitely is nipp[l]y out there.

Social progress.

And to add - Alberta is also the site of "Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump".

I see Roberto has been in Alberta before, too. Now we both have two more reasons to go there again.

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