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October 28, 2015


Middle school placed on lockdown after man demands to sing Justin Bieber songs over intercom

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson, Ralph, and Fabian Marson)


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... and rightly so.

Thank goodness he didn't threaten to sing Manilow or there'd be wanton panic.

"Nip it. Nip it in the bud."

--B. Fife, Deputy

Lock him up and throw away the key. Or make him listen to Justin's CD's until he breaks....

You mean we have no defense against Justin wannabe's?

I'm moving to Canada...no, he might be there...to Australia....no he's toruing there? We are doomed...

This is exactly why we have the death penalty.

Just grass is not enough to inspire such heinous criminality. Been taking hits off his meth lab product?

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