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October 27, 2015


Georgia Man, 39, Arrested Following Sausage Biscuit Rage Incident At Waffle House

(Thanks to Al Barkafski)

Related: Woman charged with McChicken assault

(Thanks to Tom Iwinski)


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I saw Sausage Biscuit Rage open for String Cheese Incident.

We've got to get those McChickens out of civilian hands.

My buddy says he would like to walk into Subway and punch Jared square in the nose then claim he merely meant to convey a soft reminder his sandwich was only 11" long, not the advertised 12 inches.

How does anyone get mad at the food at Wafflehouse? My friend went to one that had a drain in the middle of the dining room floor. No need to sweep, just hose er down every evening.

I hope they don't raise the price of their scattered, smothered, chopped, and chunked hashbrowns.

Waffle House is becoming the food equivalent of Walmart.

Thank God it was only a Mc Nugget and Sausage biscuit! I have heard rumor that students are going to the extreme of using baby carrots!

Food Control is going to be a big issue next year.

"McChicken assault" somehow seems redundant.

This guy must be related to Alfalfa.

The geezer bus broke down and here we sit.

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