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September 28, 2015


Police officer stops python attack with butter knife

Always carry one.*


(Thanks to Ron G.)

*A python, we mean.


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I never leave the house without a full complement of silverware.

So true,JM.
You can never find a seafood fork when you need one.

Cpl.should get a nice bonus. He needs a sharper knife.

Cpl Cobb, that should have been.

I tried carrying Monty Python with me, but the cd's and cd player were too bulky....

I tried carrying Monty Python with me, but the cd's and cd player were too bulky....

@funny man - like a broken record?

I suppose jacking 6 rounds into it from his service revolver would have been out of the question.

I suppose jacking 6 rounds into it from his service revolver would have been out of the question.

I suppose jacking 6 rounds into it from his service revolver would have been out of the question.

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