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September 29, 2015


WA man shoots self in scrotum while fighting off meth hallucinations of ‘Mexicans in trees’

(Thanks to Rick Day)


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He looks like he is hallucinating

I saw Mexicans in Trees open for Sam the Sham & The Pharoahs.

I saw Mexicans in Trees open for Sam the Sham & The Pharoahs.

Twice, apparently.

Whatever it takes.

How many white men's dongs have *already* been replaced by minorities, illegal immigrants, and "urban" youths? I blame Hussein Obama Soetoro! WATCH OUT WHITE AMERICA!

He was in the bullet lodged in the scrotum scene from Dirty Harry.

He was in the bullet lodged in the scrotum scene from Dirty Harry.

Shooting myself in the scrotum over the numerous Mexicans hanging in the tree would have been a lot easier than posting to the blog today.

wiredog only a real ding dong would ding his own dong

Send him to Tim Horton's. He'll fit right in!

This is your scrotum on drugs.

Were these 'Mexicans' in mesquite trees? If not there's a good chance they're really ... yes, squirrels!

He has trees full of Mexicans in his scrotum?

Was he a racist as**ole before or did the meth do that to him?

Darwin Award contender?

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