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September 28, 2015


911 caller: Monkey's eating mail out of neighbor's mailbox

(Thanks to Jon Harris)


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The Florida 'excitement' never ends!

I've never had a monkey eat my mail before...you just don't get that kind of experience in Kansas....

The Florida 'excitement' never ends!

I've never had a monkey eat my mail before...you just don't get that kind of experience in Kansas....

The Florida 'excitement' never ends!

I've never had a monkey eat my mail before...you just don't get that kind of experience in Kansas....
very often, although we do get deer ringing doorbells,
then running away laughing, wallabys cause traffic jams,
and an occasional gator or ostrich in news...

Sorry TypePad never indicated it completed so I tried again...it's theold college spirit, I guess...

I saw the Mail-Eating Monkeys open for the Oblivious Assistants.

Darn! Facebook is off for 15 minutes now. I had to talk to my wife and kids. They seem nice, though.

Monkey's eating neighbor's mail .. doo dah, doo dah

Paging Mike Nesmith.

Everybody's got something to hide, except for me and my monkey

It's just the aperboy.

Replacing mail carriers with monkeys might save a little of the billions USPS has lost. Feeding them mail will definitely save on monkey kibble.

It's just the aperboy.

Replacing mail carriers with monkeys might save a little of the billions USPS has lost. Feeding them mail will definitely save on monkey kibble.

Maybe they needed to lure the monkey away with a banana

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