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July 31, 2015


Brisbane restaurant partially destroyed after 24 pest bombs explode

(Thanks to Not My Usual Alias, who asks "Do I want to know why they thought they needed 24 bug bombs?")


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Form a perimeter!

You'd think they'd call them Jack Bauer Pest Bombs instead of 24 Pest Bombs...

dang they must have a lot of bugs...
and if I have to hear the car alarm outside my door that has been going off for an hour, for another half hour, I will seek somr pest control...

Its not about bugs. Its the poisonous snakes and spiders.

Think you used enough bug bombs, Butch?

I've used these (against possible deer ticks) in basic summer cabins that have been occupied by mice and squirrels all winter. The directions are very explicit about NO OPEN FLAMES including pilot lights. Maybe they need to include a translation in Strine.

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