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June 30, 2015


After three frenzied days of working to repair and reinflate the world's largest known rubber ducky for the Tall Ships Festival, crews gave up on her Sunday


(Thanks to Al Batkafski and Jeff Meyerson, who says "Oh the humanity.")


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Ernie is devastated.

Those terrorist bastards.

Didn't they try duck tape?

they gave up due to cost overruns - the bill was overinflated

Awwwww, that is one big ducky

That will never fit in our bathtub again!

I can't get over that it's an 11 (eleven!) ton ducky.

I saw this when it was on the Correct Coast (San Pedro) last year. There was a two hour wait!

I can honestly say it wasn't all it was quacked up to be. They wanted $15 to enter the port to stand near it. Me? I stood in the parking lot, for free. I mean, you've seen one 11 ton rubber duck in your life, you've seen them all.

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