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June 11, 2015


Florida traffic crash kills shark en route to New York

Hm. That link works for me, but apparently not everybody. Judi etc. Here's another link (AUTOPLAY).


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Page crashed too. No sharks were killed.

A loan shark or a lawyer?

Page not available.

Here is the Daily News take.

As God is my witness, I thought sharks could drive.

i blame my jets

When one doesn't know where to begin you begin at the beginning.

The sharks voted to get off in Daytona Beach instead of Coney Island.

har, jeff - so they jumped the shark ?

I am in mourning. Gonna miss that guy.

Move to New York? There are some things even sharks won't do.

Story here

Snorks all around!

You're going to need a bigger coffin.

You're going to need a bigger coffin.

"The sandbar shark died after it was thrown from a tractor-trailer transporting four sharks to an aquarium in New York that blew a tire on I-95 and ran into a ditch,"

I did not know that aquariums have tires. Live and learn.

Gang wars. They don't like other gangs invading their home turf in Brooklyn.

There is movie potential here. Plot: A truck containing 10,000 15 ft white sharks crashes in New York and the ensuing flood unleashes the sharks who go on to eat a sizeable portion of the city. Naahhh who'd belive it.

Sharknado XVII?

Everyone would believe it, if the alligators from the NYC sewers save the day, LeDud. And keep an eye out for Officer Krupke, ligirl.

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