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March 24, 2015


A man in Norway faces jail after cutting off his own hair and beard and then gluing it to another man’s head in an apparent attempt to create a toupée.

(Thanks to Art Silverman, who notes that "this is the country that hands out the Nobel Peace Prize.")


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It was a consensual toupee. Where's the crime?

I see no difference between this and scrap booking, as far as hobbies go.

once had a curl
or should i say
she once had me ?

Dave, did you see "Consensual Toupee" open for anyone?

Donald Trump

If you like your hair, you can keep it.

Well, I hate to be the one to burst the bubble but the Nobel prize comes from Sweden.

Don't ya know?

He used super glue, you see...

And had "no artistic talent atall!"

There was a restraining order to protect the recipient of the home-made toupee. Why was that necessary? Was he trying to get some of the 'hair of the dog that bit him'?

It worked for Trump.

Hair today, goon tomorrow.

All the other Nobel Prizes are in Sweden - Nobel specifically said in his will he wanted the Peace Prize awarded out of Norway.

I think I saw this guy last week, if not, then someone squashed a tarantula on his head. There are some really ridiculous rugsters out there.

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