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March 30, 2015


Several arrested after 2 South Side fights; man found with frozen food in pants

This has been the Pittsburgh News Roundup.

(Thanks to Jeff from Pittsburgh)


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I'm not up on fight ettiquette...but one shouldn't bring frozen wings to a knife fight.

So police went to break up a fight at Mario's Bar, a fight broke out at the Local Bar across the street while they were dealing with the first fight, and when the police were making arrests some people on the street decided to start a third fight with the police. Violent neighborhood, I hate to think what happens not right in front of the police.

Didn't he know that you've gotta have a permit to carry concealed Buffalo wings in Pittsburgh?

Frozen Food in Pants opened for . . you know the rest.

I sincerely hope, for your sake, that that is really a wingding in your pocket, and that you're only marginally pleased to see me. Otherwise...

(Wasn't "Wingding in your pocket" a song by Alanis Morissett?)

A little song, a little dance, two bags of frozen food in the pants.

He got hit in the nuts during the fight and someone said "put some frozen peas on that."

Definitely "Squeeler" (sic) fans. "Local" Bar? As opposed to Distant Bar?

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