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February 21, 2015


Polar Bear Penis Bones Are Snapping All Over The Arctic Thanks To Pollution

(Thanks to Stan Ruth)


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And, the Penis Bones once opened for Frank Zappa...helluva show, except most of the attendees can't remember it.

Yeah, what happened to Walter, Dave? We haven't see the "Big Guy" here in a very long while. Not that we've got a bone to pick with you or anything.....

Chicago Bears have had a similar problem since the Sid Luckman era

( Barbara Boxer weeps uncontrollably. )

At least they're anesthetized now. Gonna be a lot of pain when the spring thaw arrives at the North Pole. Like in about three weeks...

Did you know that it takes six peas to catch a polar bear?

First, you chop a hole in the ice. Then you *carefully* place the 6 peas in a circle surrounding the hole.

Finally, when the polar bear comes up to take a pea, you kick him in the ice-hole!

(Tip your wait staff, I'll be here all week)

Ooh, sick.

Here comes the science! (And note that Canadian Bones are still the strongest, and fully functional.)


Polyphenols PCBs see what they does to me
Sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me

I don't get no RESPECT

Hey, if it's called the *baculum* that must be where the polar bear penis is located. When it's not in use.

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