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February 04, 2015


Police recover stolen cash from Capitol Hill robber’s butt

(Thanks to Al Barkafski)


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Incriminating statements:

Butt, officer ..
I have no idea how that got there. It's not mine.
Dirty money.
Just a pinch between your cheek and bum.
What's in your butt cheeks?

Bail was set at nothing. "You don't have to pay, just forget we had this conversation."

"Tonto,did you find the stolen money"?

"No Kemo Sabe,there was no money".

Filthy Lucre?

Think of that the next time someone hands you cash.

There's some money that definitely needs laundering.

stolen from one gas station,
recovered from another (_$_)

So the robber was in fact a standard-issue politician?

>snork!< @ ligirl

No, because they could recover some of the money...

Was it a big butt? Did he lie about it?

This is how passing the buck really got started.

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