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February 27, 2015


Chinese tourists flooded Japan last week, spending an estimated $959 million in Japan’s shopping malls and department stores, according to Chinese state-run newspaper Global Times. While many splurged on luxury goods, the hot item this season was Japanese toilet seats.

(Thanks to Jay Brandes)


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Do those toilet seats include a cell phone?

Hello Sh*tty?

If they're buying Japanese toilet seats, things must really be desperate back home.

That should surely be 'Toyret' seats

I lived in Japan for a while. They are the best toilets in the world.

I just got back from China -- 90% of the toilets I saw were squatters. Don't know how easy it would be to install a seat of any kind on those.

The economy is going down the toilet!

Hi Dave. This is Emi from Japan used to work for Knight Ridder. We worked together 1998 Nagano winter olympics!

For our site http://www.nippon.com/en/, i was doing some research on "Japanese hi-technology toilet" and the first face which came up to my mind was you, Mr. DAVE BARRY. Yes, we fought for the warm seat at Nagano. I am happy to find you are not changing at all and as funny as you used to be. Boy its been 17 years. Hard to believe. When are you coming to Japan again to write about recent new toilet innovation?

Warmest regards,

Emi Doi (used to work for Knight Ridder Tokyo)

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