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January 30, 2015


Bats cause mayhem in courtroom

(Thanks to coscolo and DaninDallas)


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They ned Ozzy there, or maybe Meatloaf.

There actually was once a girl band named Guano, though I never thought I'd see them in court.

I hope all the people running from the courtroom remembered that the bats were more afraid of them than they were of the bats.

It is bat-shit crazy!

"A pest control expert has been asked to visit the courthouse Monday to propose solutions."

Possibly ammonia mixed with olive oil. The result might be quite powerfully magic.

I would have expected wild hogs in Arkansas.

I am terribly, terrible disappointed.

"Their excrement is everywhere" is Harry Reid's motto.

Does the judge sleep in a coffin?

I guano hold your haaa-aaa-nd!
I guano hold your hand hand hand hand!

Sorry john and paul.

I wonder which insurance company they have. http://youtu.be/sFFatUJPDUk

" Greg Ray, said hundreds roost in an elevator shaft. "

That's a switch. In courthouses, usually it's people who get the shaft.

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