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December 30, 2014


High speed M&M sorting machine created

(Thanks to Jon Harris)


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Just put all the ones containing chocolate on my desk and no one will get hurt.

i'm thinking this one is single.

I'd like to throw an N in there and watch the machine go through the phases of an exstential crisis.

Sponsored by the Van Halen Institute, I presume.

Meh. If he comes up with one that can taste the differences between the colors, we'll have something.

There seems to be a whole community of geeks obsessed with sorting M&Ms and Skittles by color. I imagine, appropriatly, Nerds, too

Get a girl friend.

Before we all mock this, how many times have you attempted to interface a microprocessor (the Arduino) to a smartphone? Trust me, it's not easy. And his proof of concept worked!

the pentagon will be offering him a job

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