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October 25, 2014


You can find anything. Anything.

Advisory: Semi-NSFW.

(Thanks to Joanne Fineberg)


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The box containing Shinola looks so similar, how do you tell them apart?


Oh boy something new for Dave's holiday gift guide this year. If the product looks and smells that real whose to say that some nut might actually send some real stuff with a little touch of Ebola too.

It's going to arrive in discreet packaging too.

This "gift" is going to prove very poopular around the holidays.

Too bad it wasn't posted in time for Boss Day. But just wait until next year. My entire office will want to (buffalo) chip in!

Will they set in on fire and leave it on the doorstep, too?

"When not giving a shite isn't enough..."

FedEx-crement shipping. What's next UPeeS?

Christmas list. DONE.

Funny, the only people I've known personally whom I dislike enough to do this to were politicians.

I need to get a second job.

Rule 34...

Does it come in Extra Large? And do they ship to the White House?

Hogs, I suspect that if you sent one of those to the White House, Secret Service would be at your house within thirty minutes no matter what they promise about confidentiality(as if they wouldn't blackmail you the rest of your life once you'd sent this to your boss). Looks like a good way to get people to ruin themselves via the internet to me.

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